Tuesday, February 28, 2017

After the Farm

And here's where we ended up, for some years, anyway.  A suburban house, about 25 miles closer to Minneapolis, MN.

 I grew up in the suburbs.  It's quiet on this block.  There are lots of coffee shops, theaters and stores nearby.  I was sold on it when I went to look out the back deck and saw this: 

It's on a golf course.  We don't golf.  I don't care.  I just wanted to look out on something nearly as pretty as my own pastures were.

When winter was coming, this year:  
Our house is on the far right looking out from the snowman.  

And we live very near the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, where I walk 3-4 times a week: 

That's Dear Husband, who is doing very well, these days.

It's an easier life.  I take art classes, do genealogy, visit museums and friends, take care of my mom a bit and do what needs doing. But I surely miss this:


Michelle said...

Thanks for giving us an update, Gail. Sounds like you are making the best of your new life, but oh, those losses have to hurt!

Gail V said...

Yeah, but... it's an endless world of possibilities. :-)