Will caption these soon, but here's a start: Finnsheep, black/grey ewe is Kimi. Her three lambs rest here. 4th sibling, Tiny Girl, went to live with a family to be raised on a bottle. All are strong, now.
Next photo shows the three-- all black ewe lamb, HST (head socks tails) ewe, and ram.
Kimi, finnsheep mom had quads. One bottle baby went to live with another family. |
These are Kimi's remaining lambs: black ewe, black ewe with HST white markings, and black ram with white wisps on his crown. |
This is the sweetest little people-loving Finn ewe lamb ever. She is out of Kora, our elder piebald ewe, and Osmo, our elder brown ram. I can't bear to sell her to a commercial flock-- she's too sweet! She has a twin ram brother, looks quite the same. |
This is an amazing ram lamb out of my Stillmeadow badgerface ram (who is QR genotype for scrapie resistance) and my white ewe, Mari. The crimpy wool outlines his body as though he's wearing a lycra suit. Just amazing. Nice big boy, may carry brown. |
Mari's boy again, with his twin badgerface, HST sister. This girl is spoken for. |
Mari's ram lying down, Annie the Shetland's ewe lamb looks at us. She is musket, likely, and is spoken for by a family. |
Lassi the brown Finn fusses over her young rams. She had quads; lost a ewe lamb before I got there, and lost a ram lamb a few days later. I regret that we missed noticing that the cute brown boy wasn't nursing well.
Lassi guarding her two brown ram lambs. Both are big and sturdy, with lovely color. |
Nappylainen and the funniest little ram lamb (hers) ever. He has HST spotting from his dad, and body spots from his mom, so there's a little white everywhere, but... the funniest is on his rear. It's a big white circle, with a black dot in the middle.
Trillium, Shetland ewe, nurses her phaeomelanin-dusted boy.
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