Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mama hen and Ducky

We did it again; asked a broody hen to set duck eggs.
We got too impatient, though, and ended up with only one duckling. (After a month of setting on that nest? Poor hen!)
But she loves her duck.
Takes him outside in view of his relatives (could be his real mom in the background!)

She teaches him to dig for yummy dirt, bugs, whatever it is they like in there:

And takes him back to the barn.


Sabrina Wille Erickson said...

Oh...that is just so adorable. Little Duck looks so fragile next to his big stout mama.

Dawn said...

Oh what a cutie. I love him standing big and tall next to Mama Hen.

Nancy K. said...

Oh, how precious!
What a sweet, beautiful hen she is. Buff Orpington? I so enjoy the soft side of nature...

Crosswinds Farm said...

Really cute!
I hope you don't mind, I added you to my blog list : )

Gail V said...

Thanks for all the ducky compliments. Corinne, I am flattered, I don't mind. I am slow on adding folks to mine. . .
Nice llama (alpaca?) in your photo.

Candy said...

This is just too cute for words. I bet "mother" is so proud of her baby.