Okay, I said I had a few to sell! So I had to get some pictures on here, right?

My grand old favorite, Highland Hollows Bluebell, lounges with her daughter, LittleRedOak (LRO) Ivy; my lovely country home and gardens providing the backdrop. Ivy looks just like her mama, I think. Bluebell is the ewe famous for triple-thick, lustrous, crimpy wool-- her best trait, besides her pleasant demeanor. Ivy's dad is Kimberwood Leonardo, a smooth polled moorit ram. I think (for you sheep geneticists) Ivy is likely a black ewe in white pattern (!); I just learned her mom is. Ivy had a quarter-sized black spot in two places when younger. Both girls can throw brown babies, though; Ivy is AaAwtB?Bb, and I think Bluebell actually carries spots, too; she's had a smirslet daughter-- so Ivy could get that.
I'd keep Ivy because I love all that comes out of Bluebell, but that's the problem; I already have so many out of her. Besides, Ivy doesn't like us yet!
Not to be rude, but here's Ivy's posterior. A slightly longish tail, just like Mom's. And the same crimpy, thick wool Bluebell has, too!

Next, LRO Splash, one of LRO Catnip's twins. Catnip is the spotted-udder ewe seen on the last blog entry, and on several others in months past. Catnip is a loudly splashed moorit & white ewe, friendly as a labrador retriever. So are her daughters, Splash and Smudge. Splash had a white splash on her head at birth, Smudge had, you know,
smudges of white instead. Their dad was also Kimberwood Leonardo, whose solid moorit largely won the pattern war in these lambs.
Splash, then, is a Bluebell great-granddaughter who is half-spotted and half-polled, if you want more of those traits in your flock.

Oops, here's Splash's backside, with LRO January nearby!

January is my shy, fawn katmoget-patterned lamb. She's out of Minwawe November, a kat, and Kimberwood Leonardo, again! January's twin brother is a smooth-polled ram-boy who will be breeding for me here, this year.
Here she is, laughing as she evades my camera:

Prices for these lambs varies; unregistered, they can go for $125; registered, $200. If you wanted me to bring a lamb or two to the Jefferson, WI Sheep and Wool festival next month, I could.
I will charge less for groups of 3-- and I have a lot of handsome little rams for sale! I'll post again soon.
Email if you are interested: gvonbargen at aol dot com.