Some little lambs went to new homes today, and I hear their moms crying in the night. A photo tribute to some:
Juicyfruit, who went home with Nancy Krohn. But Nancy wants to give her a special name, so. .. that means I can use Juicyfruit next year? When Chicklet lambs again?
Anyway, best wishes in your lush, green pasture in the Bluff Country, little girl!
Then, since I was corralling sheep, we gave all the ewe lambs their booster shots for the year, and penned 3 more to deliver to Garrett Ramsay. With him went Little Red Oak Wren, and Jasmine and Rue, two little black ewe lambs. Garrett also took home a fine little moorit ram, Hansel.
These little ones will be happy to have each other when they arrive, I know, and will soon be exploring their new flocks!
And now, the pressure is less on my dry pastures, and greater on Garrett's and Nancy's-- but we'll miss these sweet lambs.

It was so nice to see other shepherds today and talk sheep talk! What a fine bunch of folks.