Monday, April 15, 2013

Post-Shearing, Pre-Lambing

We had a nice gathering of friends on shearing day last week.  I thought I'd show you the cleaned up flock-- only a dozen sheep this year!  9 Finnsheep total, 3 Shetlands. 

Here are the ewesies when the ordeal was over:
Trillium (Shetland, or S), Sukka, Kimi, Lassi (Finn-F) , Nina, little Shetland in front;  Nappylainen (spotty Finn) Annie (S) and Mari (F)  all pregant as can be. 
Kaia, Kimi's daughter, was hiding behind Lassi, above.

Lassi, Finn girl;  Nina, Shetland
Kimi joins Lassi and Nina.  Sooo big with babies.

Nappylainen, pregnant now, moving to Missouri this summer!
Lanni and Sulev, Finn yearling rams
All 3 Finn rams:  Sulev, Lanni and Toivo, who's 1-2 yrs older.

Oh feed us, please?  We are nice boys.

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