The Finn and Shetland sheep don't mind the snow and cold, they are built for it. These Finn girls are mom and daughter: Lassi (right) and Sukka. It appears they opted to sleep outside and get snow-covered , rather than go into their lean-to for shelter.

DH and I also discussed selling all the sheep this summer-- which we've considered for some time. I need a shoulder surgery, and 3 months' rest . I am quite sure that means no hay bale or water bucket carrying. I also want to travel in winter. So... unless something else changes -- always possible-- we will sell off the remaining dozen Finn and Shetlands we have here, as well as the 2 dozen lambs expected to arrive in April.
Keep a watch on this blog if you want more info, and message me to inquire. This will take a while to get done, but I know some people will have favorites-- as we always have.