We'll back up to Mother's Day; a cold day when we took our roving and fleeces to Shepherd's Harvest in Lake Elmo and offered roving at prices to sell-- and it surely did. 15 or so pounds of it, gone from my house. Yay! Dear Daughter (DD) and Dear Husband (DH) knew exactly how to celebrate Mother's Day: they volunteered to come with me to set up and sell wool. For the first time, I had a Shetland/Finn blend that was especially popular, although all colors sold well.

It rained so much that week that Mari the Finn Ewe's lambie was soaked through and very dirty:
Later, Mari cried and cried to find her babies, and suddenly stopped when she peeked inside the portable calf hut. I figured there was a special sight inside, and I was right. Look at that little brown ewe's pink triangle of a nose! Poor wet babies.

Little brown shetland ram lamb, still tiny:
It's 2 weeks later and things have warmed up considerably. The lambs are loving the compost pile of last years' bedding. It's made for playing King of the Mountain! Here, Em has the formerly stiff-necked lamb sucking a finger. She's all better-- BoSe did the trick within hours. Selenium deficiency ! Amazing.

Finally a good shot of DD visiting with Kimi, her solid black lamb under Em's arm, and in front, the little formerly sickly lamb belonging to Kora. We just had to show you that she made such a nice recovery. Pack of racing lambs seen behind--
Enjoy this nice, new, warm weather. We're finally getting the garden in.